We are writing to inform you about some significant changes to our contact and support procedures at Unity Solutions, designed to serve you better and respond to your requests more efficiently.
We will no longer be answering calls or text messages made to our mobile number. Instead, we have transitioned to a new landline number for all client communication: 1300 UNITY 1 or 1300 864 891. We believe this change will allow us to manage your queries and concerns more promptly.
We now have a part-time technician on standby who can only answer calls on the 1300 number. If your call is unanswered within 2 minutes, you will be prompted to leave a voicemail. We assure you that all voicemails will be responded to as soon as possible.
To further streamline our customer service process, we encourage you to log your issues or support requests through our online portal at https://portal.unitysolutions.com.au/portal. This will expedite the resolution process and allow you to track the status of your tickets in real time and specify the severity of your issue. We have invested in our portal to ensure it is user-friendly and efficient.
For our managed services clients, we have further streamlined our process to facilitate easier ticket submissions. If our software is installed on your PC, you can find the Unity Solutions icon in your taskbar and select "Request Support". This feature will allow you to communicate your concerns directly and quickly to our support team.
Additionally, we would like to emphasise that our email address admin@unitysolutions.com.au is dedicated to collecting alerts from devices. Therefore, for the best response, we kindly ask you to direct your support requests to support@unitysolutions.com.au rather than the admin inbox. This will ensure your support request gets the prompt attention it deserves and doesn't get lost among our automated device alerts.
We understand these are significant changes, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to enhance the quality of our services. Your satisfaction remains our highest priority, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible support experience.
Should you have any questions or need further clarification regarding these changes, please do not hesitate to contact us at our new number, 1300 UNITY 1, or via email at support@unitysolutions.com.au.
Thank you for your continued trust and partnership with Unity Solutions.
Kind regards, Chris & The Team!